
All good things must come to an end

It’s time to say good-bye to Belgium.  It was a good week, but we’re on the final countdown now for our trek home.


First things first.  It’s 10am and Keith is enjoying a Corsendonk on tap at the bar in the station.  That’s livin’ man!


We’ve been on the train the last 2 hours (overall) and just pulled in to Antwerp Station.  How beautiful is this place?


Honestly!  So, so pretty!  Anyway…we change trains here for our final push to Amsterdam.


Hahahha!  Keith is showing me how done he is with all of this picture taking.  😛  Here we are on the train.


We’ve made it…Amsterdam Central Station!  Good-bye Belgium…hello Netherlands!


Boats on the canal.  These next few pictures are what we saw as we were hiking a mile and a half to our hotel….with all of our luggage in hand.  Can you say HELLO!!  I’M A TOURIST!


Interestingly enough..the architecture is a bit different…but somewhat the same.


I’m not sure what any of these buildings are but they sure are pretty.


Hooray!  More construction…but interesting architecture next to it.


Here I am picking out tulip bulbs in the flower market!  I can’t wait to see how these bloom in my yard come springtime.  I wish I had more room in my luggage.  I would have bought much more!  I’ll be lucky if I can find room for what I already got.  🙂


Final picture for tonight….the view from our hotel room.  It’s so lovely.  We have the windows open and we can see the night sky.  We waked around a good part of Amsterdam (with the very limited time we had)…though I can tell you that with the throngs of tourists, bikes, trams, taxis and buses…we’ve avoided places like the Red Light District and the main drags.  It’s going to be a long travel day again tomorrow…but at the end of it, we’ll be home.

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