
A long travel day

We left our little haven in Germany and headed off to our next destination…Belgium!  It was quite cold when we walked outside.  This is what we saw on the car window…pure ice!:


We left close to on time and had grand plans to see things in Aachen before we headed to the train station, but we hit a snag and couldn’t find our way around all of the one way streets.  Our GPS wanted to take us down the wrong way half the time, so we just gave up and found our way to drop off the car.   The car we had the whole time was a pretty darn good car.  Got great gas mileage, had a lot of really cool features and quite the get up and go!  It was a 6 speed too!

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It was called a Renault Scenic.  I can’t believe we only had to fill it up once.  Nice!  Anyway…we dropped off the car and made it to the train station.


Pretty on the outside…C-R-A-Z-Y on the inside.  It’s like Grand Central Station in there!  🙂


Here’s Keith getting our tickets from Aachen, Germany to Brussels, Belgium.  It was a very nice train…comfortable and easy to be on.  Didn’t take us long to get to Brussels.   I am sure we were going over 100 mph.  We were passing tons of cars on the freeway very quickly…and Lord knows they drive really fast here.


This is one of the stations before Brussels.  I really wanted to show what the homes looked like here.  What’s also interesting is the amount of homes that have solar panels on top of them.  I think the US needs to step up their efforts for saving energy.  Europe is killing us on this subject!  We switch trains in Brussels and get on the next train to Knokke-Heist…our destination.


This is the end of the line here….our stop.


As soon as we get off the train, the first thing you see is their version of a park and ride!  We walked about half a mile to our timeshare and it’s in a neighborhood with a bunch of other apartments.  I’ll have pictures of it soon.  All I can tell you is, this place is not even half as good as our place in Germany!  We are about 3-4 blocks from the sea though:


By this time, I am very hungry and cranky.  I need food.  We cannot understand the language here like we could in Germany so trying to find a place to eat was quite an adventure.  Not to mention the fact that we are located in a touristy area (which I HATE, by the way) and everything is overpriced.  Ugh.  After wandering around for about an hour (mostly because either places don’t take credit cards or they close at SIX PM!) we found something that looked okay.  Keith looked at the beer menu and was happy.


Keith’s first beer in Belgium…a Grimbergen Blond.  He said it was good.   As for me, I had this:


Not sure what it was, but it was orangey and lemony…and since I had something like it the day before…I knew I was good.  Instead of getting bread after you order, this is what arrives at your table:


CHEESE!!  It was very good cheese…and helped ease my crankiness.  😛  I can tell you that Keith and I looked over the menu for like 15 minutes and had no idea what the heck any of it was.  We saw something that looked familiar, so we ordered it….Lasagne:


It was very, very cheesy.  So, we are both in a cheese coma tonight.  Hopefully tomorrow will bring better things.  We have nothing in our apartment because all of the markets close at like 7pm…hopefully we can figure out a good breakfast.  We’ll see.  Until then!!


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