After getting bids, doing research and talking to people, it was finally time to move things forward in the right direction….towards the long awaited kitchen spiff! We’ve had to come to the harsh reality that we wouldn’t be able to get everything done at one time like we wanted to, but the majority will be done and then we will save up our money to finish things out in phase 2. First, let’s take a look at what the kitchen looked like at the start:

Looking straight into the kitchen, here is what you see. Hello 1980’s! How about that dropped ceiling and fluorescent light? Lovely, right?

My sink area. A beautiful view to the backyard and lovely sunsets, but hard to move around in.

A decent amount of counter space overall in this kitchen but poorly laid out.

This weirdly open space is supposed to be…I’m not sure what. But this is where the dogs live during the day while we’re at work, so it’s okay for us.

And of course, every 80’s kitchen would not be complete without a desk…that NO ONE USES!
There are many changes coming…finally!